Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a computational method for optimization of a problem by simulating a set of moving particles that move around a search-space. Now let’s say that you want to find the (global) minimum of the square function: f(x) = x[0]^2 + x[1]^2.
var solverConfig = PSOSolverConfig.CreateDefault( numberParticles: 500, maxEpochs: 1000, lowerBound: new double[] {-20, -20}, upperBound: new double[] {10, 10}, isStoppingCriteriaEnabled: false); // If not enabled, the optimization, will run over the total number of epochs (maxEpochs). Func<double[], double> func = x => (x[0] * x[0]) + (x[1] * x[1]); var solver = new ParticleSwarmMinimization(func, solverConfig); solver.OnAfterEpoch += (s, d) => { Console.WriteLine($"Iteration: {d.Iteration}\n" + $"Best fitness: {d.BestFitness:##.000} \n" + $"Best global position: " + $"x1: {d.BestPosition[0]:##.000}" + $"x2: {d.BestPosition[1]:##.000}"); }; var solution = solver.Solve(); Assert.AreEqual(0, solution.BestPosition[0], 1E-6); Assert.AreEqual(0, solution.BestPosition[1], 1E-6);
The source code can be found on